Ubuntu Tips Tricks

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How to Get a Copy of Latest Ubuntu CD for FREE

Ubuntu installation cd are provided free of cost by Canonical. Ubuntu is an OS based on the popular open source distribution called Debian and is promoted by...

Simple Bash Script to Parse Apache Access log Entries to Find top User Agents,...

If you have a website running on a LAMP server and receive reasonable amounts of traffic you would run into the need to know...

How to do a clean installation of Ubuntu-18.04.3-desktop

The best way to install, or setup a new PC with Ubuntu-18.04 is using a clean installation, and in this guide, we’ll help to accomplish this...

How to Use Facebook through the Command Line – 2024 Guide

A majority of Linux users prefer sticking to their terminal rather than accessing through a GUI for most of their daily tasks. Have you...

Installing Nagios On Ubuntu in 2024

Network monitoring is one of the more important jobs in an enterprise. Nagios is an open-source network monitoring tool through which you can monitor...

Openbve Train Simulator for Ubuntu Install and Play

Open BVE is an open-source 3D train simulator for Windows, Mac OS, and Ubuntu. It is based on the free BVE train simulator but...

How to Use Ansible to Install and Set Up WordPress with LAMP on Ubuntu...

Server automation now plays an essential role in systems administration, due to the disposable nature of modern application environments. Configuration management tools such as Ansible are typically used...

Commands to Check Hard Disk Partitions and Disk Space on Ubuntu

Here we are going to check some command that can be used to check up the partitions on your system. The commands would check what...

How to Setup Remote Desktop in Ubuntu or Any Other Linux Distribution

Remote Desktop Login A well known concept in the web scenario. Infact most of the tech world depends on this. Remote Desktop simply means that...

Get a Dictionary on Your Console Using SDCV – 2024 Guide

We all end up looking for a dictionary every now and then. Online dictionaries and Wikipedia are great tools, but we are not always...