
This article speaks about burnout in your career by describing common symptoms of burnout and suggesting a few methods on how to reduce stress in the event you identify it in the beginning.

In today’s busy world, burnout is inevitable if you are not in tune with your mental health.

Not only is burnout a threat to meeting your career goals, but it can affect every aspect of your personal life as well. It is essential to stay connected to yourself to identify signs of burnout early and take steps to prevent a total meltdown.

Here are some common early signs of burnout and a few methods to reduce stress when you fear you may be at risk of burning out.

Signs and Symptoms:

• Emotional difficulties
• Become an annoying person to be around
• Physical symptoms
• Poor workplace performance
• Problems in other areas of your life
• Desire to avoid work

We also list some of the main methods to reduce stress, which are:

• Self-care
• Speak with mentors
• Create a healthier workplace environment
• Change of scenery

And, of course, we recommend a professional if you think you are a case of burnout.

Without further ado, let’s jump into the points listed as the main signs of burnout.

Signs and Symptoms


Emotional difficulties

Feeling mentally drained, constantly tired, and emotionally unavailable to those you care about are often the first symptoms of burnout.

If those you love indicate you seem to be having emotional difficulties, consider if burnout at work may be causing this.

Become an annoying person to be around

When nothing is good in your workplace, you think you are not a friendly teammate or annoying your colleagues. This may be a sign of tiredness, stress, and burnout.

If you’re not sure how to identify if you’re complaining so much to the level of becoming annoying, Totempool has an interesting article, “Am I Annoying? How to Identify and

Improve Your Behavior at Work”, in which it lists, besides complaining too much, the following characteristics:

• Being too talkative
• Not giving full attention to people when talking to you
• Asking too much for Favors
•Agreeing with everything

Physical symptoms

Burnout is usually associated exclusively with mental ailments, but it can manifest itself through physical symptoms. Difficulty sleeping, weight gain or loss, digestive issues, and chronic headaches can often be attributed to burnout.

Keep an eye on your physical health and consider if stress at work could cause these physical ailments.

Poor workplace performance


A decrease in your performance in the workplace may be attributed to burnout. This symptom is significant to keep a close tab on as poor performance may cause you to work even harder to correct it, only accelerating burnout.

Difficulty in other areas of your life

Burnout affects all areas of life. If you notice you are having difficulty with your friends and family, losing interest in hobbies outside of work, and failing to exercise, sleep, and eat properly, consider if burnout in your career may be the cause of these difficulties.

Desire to avoid work


If you find yourself dreading going to work the morning after morning or constantly being tempted to call in sick, you may be on the verge of burnout. Keep track of your motivation levels and be aware of any significant and repeated increases in your desire to avoid working.

Recognizing burnout is only half the battle. If you find yourself experiencing one or more of these common symptoms and are convinced that workplace stress is the cause, consider implementing some of these stress-reduction methods before the burnout process becomes too difficult to correct.

Stress-Reduction Methods

1. Self-care

Taking time to improve your self-care habits can reduce burnout. Eating well, sleeping for an adequate period of time, getting dental implants in charlotte and exercising regularly improve virtually every area of life, including your work life. Use your time outside of work to take care of these important things as well as to pursue activities you enjoy.

2. Speak with mentors

Talking with people you trust in your workplace and sharing your difficulties may be worthwhile. It is almost certain that at least one person you speak with will have experienced burnout at some point in his or her career.

3. Create a healthier workplace environment

Taking steps to create a healthier, more manageable workplace environment may eliminate burnout altogether.

Speak to your supervisor or HR department with your concerns.

Try not to feel ashamed in doing this – not only will reducing workplace stress makes you a more valuable and effective employee, but there is also a high likelihood that your coworkers have similar concerns as well.

4. Change of scenery

In the most extreme cases, switching to a different workplace or even a separate line of work may be necessary. However, approach this option only after deliberating and adequately thinking it through. Consult with people you trust – you don’t want to make a life-changing decision in haste.

In Conclusion

Burnout in the workplace is severe but not at all rare.

Many people will experience some form of burnout at some point in their careers.

Try your best to regularly take stock of your mental state to identify burnout symptoms before they become too serious.

Employ the above methods or explore other ways to reduce workplace stress when you believe burnout occurs. Not only will this assist you in leading an enjoyable, manageable career and meeting your career goals, but it will improve your personal life as well.

Talk to colleagues and friends who have been there before. Remember to look for a doctor if you feel necessary.