
At World Insights, our entire company is driven by concrete learning tools and work aids that help you put what you have learned into practice. Below are some tips on performance management that can help turn your Ho-Hum staff into a professional powerhouse. Game, based on the well-known “Grow” model, promotes peer coaching and helps managers to practice coaching approaches without being a certified coach. This way, coaching becomes less about what you think and strengthens the culture you want in your organization. Workplace Coaching also challenges you to support your employees by knowing their goals and working to achieve them. If you work with a coaching mentality, you can connect with employees differently, with leadership, support, and encouragement in the foreground.


Be there to encourage and guide you when you need it, give them freedom and autonomy, and support them as much as you can in this process.

When you play the agent’s role, give helpful feedback to adjust your approach accordingly. They want to increase the likelihood that the agent will take constructive criticism into account and make the proposed changes.

Just make sure your body language and other non-verbal communication match the level of the question you are asking. If you ask high-quality questions and show support, you will understand where the employee is coming from. You have to be straightforward and honest, and feedback is difficult when the result is not good.

If you can give feedback through a recording of a conversation, it will be easier for the agent to understand, and he will get input more if you are the coach who offers it, whether you look him in the eye or not. When employees look at the big picture together, you also help them to be more receptive. The more comfortable an agent is with a coaching session, the better his chances of receiving coaching and support.

Raman says it is not only an employee’s job to set clear goals, but the manager plays a crucial role in the excellent organization of the work done and in the search for good work. Richards says that his talents should be encouraged to “set individual measurable goals, with a clear vision of how they want to achieve those goals.


Do not necessarily give directions to get there unless you ask for it, but provide them with a picture of the desired results.

Effective coaching can build more confidence on both sides and keep the door open at all times. When you get management coaching, keeping things secret can improve your team’s well-being because it ensures that its mistakes are not transferred. If you want to use on-call recordings to demonstrate what you should not do, make sure your agent cannot merely identify his team members in the recording. Coaching conversations should run smoothly and smoothly, even when they are not in front of the camera.

When you are doing side-by-side coaching in your agent’s work area, keep constructive feedback to a minimum, and discuss points only in private. While it is always helpful to get feedback from employees and managers, it is essential to keep track of progress and talk about your team’s performance and progress. Encourage your employees to ask questions if they have any concerns or problems, but don’t forget to give their managers feedback.


If you give your agent specific data to support benefit cuts, he will understand the scale of the problem. Incorporating this data into your feedback sessions is a great way to let your agents know how far away they are from their goal.

According to the Workplace Learning Report 2024, 94% of employees say they would stay in their current workplace if they felt the company was investing in their careers. Only 26% of employees agree that the feedback they receive from management helps them get better at work.

It’s okay to flatten a meeting – in a one-to-one conversation, ask what motivates you, but you want to use questions to guide the conversation. Leave the staff to reach this conclusion as often as possible and always answer. There is no need to make additional efforts if your leaders care about your well-being – your being.


When someone is working below average, it is crucial to ensure that they work with someone – or more people – who can provide the support needed to improve their situation, not just with their manager. To do this, we must take the time to mention that everything is going well but that improvements must be made.

By communicating with employees in a way that makes them feel comfortable, we can get in touch with them and get them to get along. This can also have a positive effect on the morale of the company by strengthening camaraderie and cooperation. Positive reinforcement encourages employees to continue to develop and contributes to making additional effort worthwhile for them. It enables us to build stronger one-to-one relations, which will have positive effects overall.