
Word problems can be challenging for students, especially those in Class 3 who are just starting to learn math.

However, with the right approach, anyone can become a master at solving math problems. In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore some tips and tricks that can help you solve them with ease.

1. Read the Problem Carefully

Students should take their time and read the problem several times to ensure they understand what it’s asking.

It’s important to pay attention to the key details such as the numbers and words that indicate mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.

2. Draw a Picture or Diagram

When it comes to drawing pictures or diagrams, worksheets for Class 3 students can be incredibly helpful. These worksheets often include visuals that students can refer to as they work through the problem.


By providing students with visual aids, they can better understand the problem and the relationships between the different elements.

Additionally, these worksheets can help students build their critical thinking skills as they learn to identify the most important information and how it relates to the problem at hand.

3. Identify the Question Being Asked

Once students have read the problem and drawn a picture or diagram, they should identify the question being asked. This will help them focus on the relevant information and avoid getting bogged down in unnecessary details.

For example, if the problem is asking how many apples John has, students should focus on the information about John’s apples and ignore any irrelevant details.

4. Use Keywords to Identify the Operation

Keywords are words or phrases that indicate a specific mathematical operation. For example, “in all” usually indicates addition, “less than” indicates subtraction, “times” indicates multiplication, and “divided by” indicates division.

Students should learn to recognize these keywords and use them to identify the operation required to solve them.

5. Write an Equation


Once students have identified the operation required, they should write an equation that represents the information given in the problem. This will help them see the problem in a more organized and structured way.

For example, if the problem is asking how many apples John has, students might write the equation “John’s apples = x.”

6. Solve the Equation

Finally, students should solve the equation they’ve written to find the answer to the problem. Encourage your students to check their work by plugging the answer back into the equation to make sure it works.

In conclusion, solving word problems can be a challenging task, but with the right approach, anyone can become proficient at it. Encourage your Class 3 students to read the problem carefully, draw pictures or diagrams, identify the question being asked, use keywords to identify the operation, etc.

Additionally, provide them with ample opportunities to practice their skills with the help of worksheets designed specifically for Class 3 students. With practice, patience, and perseverance, your students will become confident and skilled word problem solvers in no time!