
In WoW, the Shaman is a brave warrior with incredible potential. He feels great in an ever-changing environment. His talent range makes it possible to significantly damage his enemies in the shortest time possible. He can control his power. In general, the Shaman’s mission is to stay universal in any circumstances.

However, healers of various specializations differ much from each other in their capabilities and general endurance. PvP are the talents that were developed for control only. They are a good support for the Language of the Elements, which used to be applied by gamers for playing a single game.

The Shamans with a new set of talents will help a group of players quickly pass the most difficult dungeons. Below, you will find a worthy guide to all PvE Shamans of WoW Shadowlands from WoW Boost.

Restoration Shaman


“Restoration” is a multipurpose specialization. It aims at restoring a warrior after a battle. Such Shamans are capable of overcoming death. First, it is undefined. Chain restoration has no skill recharge, which enables Shamans to heal the whole group of your characters continuously. Besides, they can restore them completely.

“Skillful restoration” boosts the magical healing spells’ effect depending on the patient’s health level. The Restoration Shamans have limited movement capabilities. But they can heal on the go, for which they use the Ancestral Gift capability.

Besides healing your army, Shamans can disrupt the enemies by using a number of unique abilities, for example, a Lava Wave. They hit their blows by saying spells, but only in between healing actions, with their main potential not being seriously affected by it.

Enhancement Shaman


In Shadowlands, “Enhancement” specialization rank depends on a variety of cooldowns, as well as a phenomenon called the Whirlpool Weapon. Almost all the healing capabilities somehow depend on the changing gaming environment. The Shamans of this specialization can adapt to any changes and defeat hordes of formidable enemies. They can increase the damage caused to the main goal by using minor goals, as in the previous releases.

The Enhancement Shamans don’t have either special self-healing talents, or high survivability. But their potential to help the dungeon army still remains.
Besides, now they are equipped with the Raging Tempest Totem. This important talent makes warriors stronger in close battles.

The main advantages of the Enhancement Shamans include:

  • ability to heal one or more warriors who stay close to each other;
  • witchcraft on the go by using the Ancestral Gift spell;
  • exceptional survivability supported by the magic of the Astral Shift and Power Gain;
  • a full range of capabilities required for a raid.

Among the unsurpassed talents of the Enhancement Shamans are the Ancestral Energy, the Protection Totem, the Spirit Totem, and others.

In mysterious dungeons with a multi-level code, a healing shaman requires a hybrid power combining abilities to heal one or several battle participants at once. This opportunity is fully provided by dungeon modifiers.

Elemental Shaman


The Elemental Shaman’s specialization is a combination of numerous talents, including mobility and endurance. This healer-warrior feels great in any scrapes. Due to plenty of talents, he can destroy the enemy’s goals as quickly as possible.

He can also control his damage. The essence of the Element is to adapt to any situation. However, this Shaman is somewhat inferior to other healers in terms of the overall damage level inflicted on the enemy.

Shamans’ talents and choice of covenants


For epochal dungeons, choice of a covenant isn’t especially important since all the possibilities seem to be equally universal, however created for different game environments.

Heirmir and Koreln troops have major advantages in battles, while other shamans and covenanters can only act in some dungeons and only when using special strategies.
The characters can’t acquire new covenants when they wish to. If a player uses a covenant for the first time, his previous progress will be destroyed.

By using the covenant again, you will regain your previous achievements. To re-master it, you will have to complete two missions with a minimum seven-day break between them.
The Shamans have a lot of additional talents that give them more opportunities in the game.

You will need all of them in Torgast. Skill Reload will be of use there as well. There are no time frames in this unique dungeon. The player’s main enemy here is death.
In Torgast, you can always hope for cooldowns to return, giving preference to talents, effects, and other game features that affect the cooldowns as required.

The Shamans are somewhat vulnerable, so they will need cooldowns all the time. Indeed, this need is not so urgent in a group game, but in a personal battle, the shaman has to act cautiously.

You will be able to replenish the anima resources in Torgast only. Here, you can get them by common search or purchase for the local currency. Some resources can be compiled. Others can be used only together with other resources. The value of each of these power potentials depends on how many of them the player now has.

The powers are divided into the following groups:

“S” – the most significant powers that can be universally applied in any situation.
“А” – resources that are slightly inferior to the previous group. They are activated in particular cases only.
“B” – moderate powers. They will only help you subject to significant synergy or if you have no resources from S or A group at all.
“С” – rather limited capabilities that have no particular impact on the course of the game, so the player shouldn’t focus on them.
This classification doesn’t include a variety of details, but still provides a gamer with general illustrative information about the anima powers’ impact.