
How to get more followers on Instagram and become #1

The popular social network Instagram allows account holders not only to publish photos, text notes to them and short videos, but also to make money from the posted content. Of course, no one will pay for the very fact of creating an account: to start making money, the user must have a certain number of subscribers, and ideally – to sign several contracts with advertisers.

There is no unequivocal answer to another popular question: ? The income of the account owner depends on the efforts made, commercial abilities, external data, literary skill and elementary luck. In the absence of at least one of these factors, it becomes much more difficult to succeed.

Tip: To increase the popularity of your account, it does not hurt to involve professionals – artists, photographers, copywriters and marketers – in the design and writing of texts. Their services are not free, but the owner of the account is guaranteed to get a return, expressed in the growth of the number of visitors to the page – both occasional (random) and permanent (subscribers).


It is the number of followers, views and likes in Instagram that is crucial. You can get them at Lowcostsmm quickly and inexpensively. To place an order, you will need a link to your account.

Important: in any social network, not excluding Instagram, especially valuable are “live” subscribers – real people who perform emotionally dictated, and therefore unpredictable actions. They may periodically subscribe to the account, unsubscribe from it, give and take away likes and write more or less pleasant comments. Keeping them (and even more so motivating them to take the necessary actions) is extremely difficult, and if the account owner has no appropriate experience, but wants to have a steady income, he will have to hire a promotional specialist.

However, it is still impossible to distinguish “real” subscribers from “cheated” ones with a hundred percent probability, and that’s why many account owners, who have no possibility to quickly gain the necessary number of regular visitors, prefer to use not quite honest, but much faster methods to get the desired number, in order not to keep the page idle.

What a million followers in Instagram gives to bloggers and stars

The most common ways to make money on Instagram are:

  • receiving money from advertisers for advertising integration or separately posted posts;
  • getting the likes of other users’ posts in exchange for a certain, usually not very large, reward;
  • promoting other people’s accounts.
  • The second option does not bring real profits, and in order to make money with the help of the third, you need to have the necessary knowledge and skills. So, the average owner should concentrate on the first way of earning income.

Profit in this case will depend not only on (this should be agreed upon with the advertiser in advance), but also on the initial number of subscribers (at the time of the contract) and their growth: the more promising the account, the more its owner can earn.

How Much Do They Earn From Advertising On Instagram And How To Get Into The Trend Of A Growing Social Network?


The fact that selling in Instagram is much more profitable than in VKontakte and other social networks, has long been known to advertisers, who seek to maximize the return on their investment (ROI). In addition, the fact that this site is showing positive growth dynamics gives another strong argument in favor of developing your own account.


In the era of Internet technology, people are already getting lazy to read blogs and magazines, they just need to flip through, watch photos or videos. Instagram today is associated with popular photographers, top models, showbiz. That is why today, according to advertising exchanges, about 80% of orders from advertisers go to this social network.

On average, a top model of average popularity, with 500,000 followers, a publication will cost about $2,000 – $3,000. For stars of all-Russian scale with a multimillion-dollar audience, the amount of earnings from one posting can reach $100,000. For example, Kim Kardashian with an audience of 60 million is valued at 10,000 dollars per placement.

  1. Celebrities who flicker on the covers of fashion magazines by posting posts on their profiles make tens and hundreds of thousands of dollars per posting. How much does celebrity PR really cost and can everyone afford it?
  2. Let’s satisfy our curiosity, how much Buzova earns on Instagram. The TV diva’s account currently has more than 9 million followers. And the minimum posting threshold is $202,000.
  3. How many real (live) subscribers do you need to get real money from your Instagram account? Many people are interested in this question and no one can give an exact answer. One thing can be said only: the more of them, the more money you can expect from the hobby. And it’s true, but there are some nuances.
  4. The main thing that subscribers were “live”, that is, were real people. It is “live” subscribers will view your posts, and they will be able to bring you a stable income online. But not everything is so simple – not all advertisers check the real number of subscribers, and look at the likes on posts, which can be “tweaked.
  5. You can see the following ratio of publication price and number of subscribers: they usually pay up to 1000$ for every 10000 subscribers. The more will be subscribers, the more will be the price for your publication (i.e. if you have 100 thousand subscribers, you can be paid $500000 for one published photo or video). The price depends on the complexity and theme of the publication.
  6. For example, the cost of an advertising video is much higher than that of an ordinary photograph. The most attractive audience in Russian-language Instagram are users from St. Petersburg and residents of the capital. If you gather more than a million followers, then you can safely quit your job – you will fully support yourself.
  7. But there are some nuances of this way of earning. You need to determine the target audience: for example, the age category and subject matter. The most popular age audience are users from 18 to 35 years. And with the choice of topic of publication will be much more difficult, but you can select fashion bloggers, photographers and a variety of popular trends.

Surely every user of the social network Instagram has had to visit some unremarkable account and see a huge number of followers on it. In this case, most users wonder how is it possible to gather such a big audience?

The answer is very simple: there is a possibility that the number of subscribers is simply inflated. For more understanding of the matter, it’s worth noting that a scam is the purchase of a certain number of subscribers or likes through specialized virtual services.

Another question that many users are interested in, why do you need to add 10K followers in Instagram at all?

Each account owner, who decides to use such promotion methods, has his own reasons and certain goals. A huge number of followers in almost all users causes instant interest. Nakruka subscribers or likes are necessary, first of all, in order to arouse potential clients’ interest in a certain page.

For business accounts the number of followers plays a very important role, because this factor is considered a reliable indicator that speaks for itself: “See how many people trust us? We are the best, subscribe!”.

Nakruka subscribers may be needed in the following cases:

  • personal ambition, the desire to stand out from the general stream of users;
  • -the need to increase sales (promotion of the account helps to attract a huge number of potential clients or customers);
  •  participation in certain contests and drawings.

Gaining a certain number of users by “white” (natural) methods is possible, but you should keep in mind that this work can last for months. Sometimes there simply isn’t enough time, so many active users of this social network turn to specialized agencies for help.

Nakruka users can increase the effectiveness of the strongest marketing strategies, such as: increasing brand awareness, expanding the target audience, reaching the masses, etc.

Users who are looking for where to gain Instagram followers, it is worth bearing in mind that only professional companies are able to provide such types of services qualitatively and promptly. By entrusting this work to experienced professionals, you can count on the fact that in the near future your profile will become popular and in demand.