
Stress has become a huge problem in today’s fast-moving world. Many people are dealing with issues that leave them physically and emotionally beat, and all they need is something to help them unwind and de-stress at the end of the day.

There are different things that can help, and music is one of them.

Music is a powerful therapeutic tool with psychological and emotional implications. There’s evidence that music can cause positive emotions and trigger the production of pleasure hormones like dopamine.

So definitely, music has the power to wash away stress and uplift your moods. But how can you use music to achieve complete relaxation?

Here are simple, practical tips to help you relax with music:

1. Find the Right Music


There are all sorts of music, and how they affect you can depend on the pace, vocals, beats, and lyrics. These differences have been used to create distinct categories or types of music.

You don’t want to listen to Heavy Metal if you want to unwind. Most people would gravitate to more mellow, happy, and soothing songs.

So the first step is finding the right music that appeals to your positive emotions.

2. Use Listening Tools

We’re talking about headsets and earbuds here. Both are great and have pros and cons. So get one that feels comfortable.

If you prefer simple, compact, and functional, go for the earbuds. But if you’re looking for a wholesome experience with noise cancellation, headphones are the best. Both enhance your listening experience.

3. Create Your Space


If you want to achieve complete relaxation with music, creating the right environment is important. You want a space that puts you in the zone, and that can be anywhere, depending on your interests.

You could be more in the zone in a quiet room away from distractions. Maybe open spaces like the outdoors are preferable. The environment doesn’t really matter, so long as it feels comfortable for you.

4. Play It on Repeat

Have you ever fallen in love with a song and left it on repeat for hours?

Most people do that, and that’s a testament to the power of music. It takes you places and stirs emotions you probably didn’t think could surface.

If you have a particular song that hits you deeply, play it on repeat and allow yourself to be transported in its cadence. It’s unlikely that your favorite song will fail to help you de-stress.

5. Boost the Process


Sometimes the pressure can be too overwhelming, and you may feel like you just can’t get yourself to relax. If that’s the case, even with the music on, you have to do something else that, along with the music, accelerates the relaxation process.

The boost can be anything, but let’s look at three examples that can work in sync with the music.

Get in the Bathtub

We all know how good water feels when you’ve had a long day. It has healing powers, and researchers have found that it can quickly cool down the body, relieve tension, and improve circulation.

Whether you’re a fan of hot or cold baths, you’re all good as they both can relax and refresh your body. So you want to settle in the bath with the music going and close your eyes.

Pair With Weed


One other thing that pairs like magic with music is cannabis. As controversial as the plant is, it’s becoming increasingly popular for its healing nature. It has plenty of strains, each with a unique chemical composition capable of addressing different concerts.

Basically, there are strains known to help with pain, fatigue, and anxiety. For relaxing effects, the blue sherbet strain is one of the best out there.

Pair With Snacks

Snacking is a pleasure, and if that’s your usual go-to, you may want to pair it with music for total relaxation. Go for your favorite snack, as it triggers feel-good hormones like dopamine to uplift your moods. Paired with good music, you easily fade away to a world of your own.

Final Thoughts


You can use music to ground yourself and combat stress responses. Focus on the type of music that doesn’t make you even more alert, which are those with slower tempos. The other tips we shared are to help you enhance the experience.