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How to Prevent Server (Daemons) From Starting During Apt-Get Install

Some times you may not want a server or daemon to start as part of the postinstall scrip when installing with apt-get or dpkg. To prevent servers from starting, do the following: # Prevent launch of servers during apt-get install

Newbie: How to Edit a File From the Command Line

Could there be any more basic question? We all know there are no stupid questions, but I sure felt dumb having to look up this one. I found the built in editor nano. Likely more searching will yield a better

Configuring Log Rotation of Apache2 and Other Logs

I went to check out my apache2 logs and I noticed that they were being automatically rotated (access.log, access.log.1, etc.) and compressed with gzip (access.log.2.gz, etc.). This seems to be the default Ubuntu configuration. I wanted to make find out

Failed Ubuntu Apt-Get Upgrade Corrupts the Available File

I was upgrading Ubuntu packages with The upgrade failed with a segmentation fault. I tried again, but found I had a corrupted /var/lib/dpkg/available file. I first go this error: I edited the available file and fixed the problem. But then