
Home mod_rewrite

301 Redirect from Bare Domain to Full WWW Domain

We recently set up Google Pagespeed Service for one of our WordPress sites. The site was setup with a “bare” domain name. That is, it had no subdomain. For example: Google’s Pagespeed Service can’t handle bare domains. Like many

How to Debug Apache RewriteRule or mod_rewrite – 2024 Guide

It’s hard to debug Apache RewriteRule (mod_rewrite) problems, especially when you have multiple rules. With applications like WPMU, it can be especially tough because WPMU may likely be doing it’s own RewriteRules. One trick is to turn on the rewrite

What is the Apache Directive Order of Precedence?

I am trying to implement some mod_rewrite RewriteRules using WordPressMU. I tried putting them in the Virtural Host file, but they did not appear to work. Since WPMU has a set of mod_rewrite RewriteRules in a .htaccess file, I wondered