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WPMU is Not Generating Robots.txt File
I was setting up a new WPMU blog and checking my robots.txt file. But all I got was a 404 Page Not Found. It seems that WPMU was dynamically generating the robots.txt file. Why? The answer was that I had
What is the Apache Directive Order of Precedence?
I am trying to implement some mod_rewrite RewriteRules using WordPressMU. I tried putting them in the Virtural Host file, but they did not appear to work. Since WPMU has a set of mod_rewrite RewriteRules in a .htaccess file, I wondered
Setup WordPress or WPMU to Make an Atomic Version Switch — AND Allow You...
I have a new WordPress MU (WPMU) install and I am ready for my first upgrade. I couldn’t get automatic upgrade to work, and all the forums said: do it by hand manually. This is fine, but I didn’t want